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Do you have extraordinary plans?

We are your partner in the digital transformation. With balance, agility and innovation we develop individual, custom-fit software systems.

What sets us apart: passion, high quality standards and pride in sustainable solutions.

We make IT projects successful - for over 20 years!

Complex IT projects are our natural environment. We always keep an eye on the summit and know the shortest way around every obstacle. Our equipment has proven itself time and again in many projects and helps us to make rapid progress. Every climb requires teamwork and builds trust. And to avert unexpected stumbles, we take care of all safety issues.

We also owe our proximity to the mountains to our location right in the heart of Munich. We look back on twenty years of experience and are proud of our competent, technologically diverse and familiar team.

A passionate and competent team

We strive for high customer satisfaction and have set ourselves the goal of combining innovation with methodology and quality. In doing so, we develop new strategies and concepts, which we utilise in projects. We continously aim to expand our knowledge and pass it on.

That is why we are looking for you! Apply today and become a part of our great team!

Our services

Our strength is successful IT projects from analysis to commissioning. With our twenty years of experience, we provide you with optimal support at every stage of development. In this way, you receive a customized, future-proof software solution.

IT Consulting
© sdecoret, Adobe Stock

IT Consulting

As consultants, we understand our clients. We analyse the challenges, identify possible solutions and develop a sustainable strategy. By looking “outside the box”, we recognise cross-references and find synergies.
Project Management
© Leonid, Adobe Stock

Project Management

Successful IT projects work with precisely fitting methods. We bring project management to our customers using a reliable toolboc of methods. With experienced project managers we lead IT projects to success - often also as “project fire fighters”.
Individual software development
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Individual software development

Our agile development teams are specialised in implementing sophisticated IT systems in a complex environment. In close cooperation with the customer, systems are created in short cycles that are powerful, reliable, flexible and secure. The basis for this is well thought-out software architectures and a suitably designed infrastructure.
© natali_mis, Adobe Stock


Innovations are often shaped by software. Together with our customers, we transform exciting ideas into competitive concepts and implement them directly in the form of prototypes. We work on these in close consultation with the customer until they are ready for use or the added value can be visualised.
cplace - the modern application platform
©, Adobe Stock

cplace - the modern application platform

We use the cplace platform so that your application grows with your requirements. This is a modern, web-based low-code platform on which we develop customised software solutions for you in a short time and at low cost. For this purpose, cplace offers a rich and constantly growing construction kit with standard apps that can be expanded quickly and flexibly.
 Vehicle electrical system development

Vehicle electrical system development

We know the processes and development methodologies at German OEMs as well as at various internationally active suppliers. On behalf of the ProSTEP iVIP, we are jointly responsible for the maintenance and further development of the VDA standards KBL and VEC. With modern IT solutions, we enable our customers to make technical innovations off the beaten track without losing their bearings in the data jungle.


4Soft company weekend 2024: Our 25th anniversary in Dubrovnik

4Soft company weekend 2024: Our 25th anniversary in Dubrovnik

The annual company weekend at 4Soft is a cherished tradition, but this year we had a very special reason to celebrate: our 25th anniversary! To properly honor this milestone, we spent three unforgettable days in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik, Croatia. We enjoyed stunning rooms with pools right by the sea and indulged in delicious culinary delights. Our days were filled with exciting activities such as island hopping, city tours, and relaxing together.
Social Day 2024

Social Day 2024

We swapped our desks for gardening tools and supported the children’s and youth aid organization “Artists for Kids”. We were there for the second time and were able to marvel at the impressive progress on their site. Nine motivated 4Soft employees and five employees from the land base worked in small teams on various tasks: from the conversion and replanting of the olive trees, to the repair of the raised beds and garden maintenance.
4Soft opens its doors for Girls' Day 2024

4Soft opens its doors for Girls’ Day 2024

Girls’ Day 2024 was a complete success! Together with eight enthusiastic young girls, we explored the world of software development and mastered various challenges. One of the highlights of the day was definitely programming a robot with Scratch and then navigating through a challenging course. A big thank you to all participants for their curiosity and commitment and to everyone involved from 4Soft. We are already looking forward to next year!

Our Customers

Asklepios Kliniken
Bühler Group AG
Daimler AG
Deutsche Handelsbank
ITZ Bund
MTU Aero Engines
Stadt München


Engineering Toolbox

Engineering Toolbox

Engineering processes are characterized by a high degree of structuring, clear methodology and standardized procedures. However, relying on these alone is often no longer enough for a company to be successful in competition. Successful companies pursue innovative approaches to solutions and often do things not just “better” but fundamentally differently. In the skilled trades, a saying goes, “Good tools are half the work.” This is just as true for engineers, although these days the tools are increasingly software solutions. Most engineering processes are hardly imaginable without suitable software support. In many cases, extensive standard systems from renowned manufacturers are used.
The Excel list of horror - a modern fairy tale by the brothers 4Soft

The Excel list of horror - a modern fairy tale by the brothers 4Soft

Once upon a time, there was a true hero named John who worked as a manager in a flourishing company. John had a noble mission: he wanted to make the work in his department not only better, but also more efficient. With great determination and a deft touch for modern technology, he installed Excel on his computer and immediately set about optimizing his team’s processes.
Smart Documentation

Smart Documentation

Industry 4.0 must not end at the factory gate Many people initially associate the term Industry 4.0 with the digitization and networking of machines and production facilities to form intelligent factories - the smart factory. In our view, this notion is too narrow if we really want to take the “fourth industrial revolution” seriously. A holistic view of the industrial value chain is necessary, which includes not only the production of goods, but also their permanent support, maintenance and repair.
Do you still have questions? Just send us an e-mail or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.